Welcome to Online Marketing for Pilates Teachers
Weekly Podcasts & Business Tips


Business Tools Stephanie Benton Business Tools Stephanie Benton

Don't Leave Anymore Money On the Table - This One Piece Of Knowledge Will Fix That

Today we are going to be diving into (dun dun dun) BUYER PSYCHOLOGY!

We will be unpacking:

  • Why you should become aware of what buyer psychology is

  • Why it's so important

  • Understanding it so we don't just all race to the bottom with the lowest price (what actually motivates someone to buy)

  • The 4 types of buyers (and how you've probably only been marketing to 1 so far!).

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Business Tools Stephanie Benton Business Tools Stephanie Benton

Do’s and Don’ts for your Pilates Business in 2022

Do’s and Don’ts of getting momentum in your online Pilates business in 2022

I’ve been around in the online space for 3 years now, and there are certainly things I have learned along that journey. We are going to chat candidly about what I have seen works and doesn’t work long term, so you can build your Pilates business with more ease.

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