Get off the time for money hamster wheel and leverage your skills.

Create a better experience for your clients while you free up your time and can scale your income. Sound too good to be true? It’s not.

The Inspired Brand Accelerator is here to help you make it happen.

Ditch the dollars for hours trap forever and make $5k a month working 12 hours a week or less
(take more vacations, have more freedom without overwhelm)


The Inspired Brand Accelerator

Open for Enrollment in the newly EXPANDED 16-week program (previously 12 weeks)

Before I start my spiel I need to show you something...

You caught that right!

A $13k launch of a BRAND NEW online program for a client with zero online business before! 

And I am going to help you do the same...

Escape the dollars for hours studio trap once and for all! If the pandemic has taught us anything, it's that we don't have to fit into the mold of what was, we can create a business that looks however the hell we want it to. This means, taking time off whenever you want, not answering to anyone else, AND doing all that while still delivering amazing results for your clients.

Scale your income by minimizing your offer suite, targeting in on what actually works, and charging what it's worth. By creating an online program, you do the work once up front, and then get to reap the rewards long term! Can your 1-1 sessions give you that kind of scalability? NOPE!

Take the damn vacation 🏝 because you've earned it, and never have to worry about losing income during your trips again. An online business gives you endless flexibility and freedom. Work if you want, or don't! Scalable income means it stacks month over month and you're no longer living from cancelation to cancelation! Imagine the possibilities of the online space.

“I have made over $11k in revenue in 30 days (that is not counting the 3 new clients joining me next week)! My main shift was coming out of my shell and getting past my comfort zone to reach my goals! No more being invisible and hiding in the corner for me! I am so grateful for Stephanie and her team’s guidance and coaching! I would never have achieved this income on my own. (In fact, it's more than I was making when my studio was open).”

— Hmone P.


Dream it.

Are you ready to cry happy tears over your online Pilates business (even if marketing doesn't come naturally to you)

and experience results like these...


  • The Pilates instructor who has tried gathering all the free resources and piecing them together, but never staying with a single strategy for long enough to see results.

  • You’ve tried posting class times and special discounted rates on social media with no success

  • You’ve tried Facebook ads, pretty graphics and branding, and posting content that no one seems to want to engage with.

  • You’re ready to nail down your messaging, understanding your client’s needs and wants, and grow deeper connections with people instead of just posting an exercise video with no real value.


  • Someone not ready to get into the arena and become more visible in their marketing

  • Someone who complains and blames their lack of success on others or circumstances

  • Someone not willing to do the work and become uncomfortable

  • Someone who wants to return to the typical Pilates studio model

  • Someone who doesn't like working for themselves or doesn't want to teach online long term

  • Someone who isn't decisive or resourceful

  • Someone who continues to look for problems rather than look for solutions

How Does It Work?

  1. Proven Process For Results

No more guessing or wondering if you’re doing the right things to promote your services. No more googling how to create an online membership site, or trying to copy someone else. Simply follow the tested and proven Inspired Brand System, implement and take action, ask lots of questions and watch the magic happen.


4. Lifetime Access

When you join The Inspired Brand Accelerator, you have access to the training modules indefinitely. Even after the coaching support and community end at 120 days, the support modules will be there for you every step of your journey, along with all the replays of your group calls.

2. Unlimited, On-demand Mentorship

We hold weekly group calls for accountability and support. You get customized, in-depth support any time you need it. Daily support is also available by asking detailed questions inside the program Facebook group. (Quickest response Mon-Thurs). You'll also get office hours with Stephanie + your assistant coach weekly for support.


5. Accountability

This is one HUGE benefit of the program. When you join, you have certain pieces of content you should be sending in to stay on track, get feedback and mentorship throughout. As long as you’re giving 110%, you’ll receive 110% back from your coach in support.

3. Detailed Curriculum

In this program, you get access to weekly modules that are dripped out week to week so you have time to watch, implement and complete any homework assignments for that module. You should implement each week’s lessons before moving on to the next, but also stay on track.


6. Supportive Community

Becoming an entrepreneur can be lonely, but when you join you’ll be warmly welcomed into a community of like-minded Pilates teachers who you can network with, mastermind with, and bounce ideas off of. You’ll be inspired, motivated, held accountable… and you’ll make friends for life.



“I cannot recommend Stephanie, her team and the Inspired Brand Accelerator enough! The program is thorough, gives a step-by-step process to follow and gave me the accountability I needed. I doubled back my investment in just 12 weeks!”

- Julie

How will your business look and feel after this program?


  • A high ticket program built and ready for the market, to serve your soulmate clients the way you've always desired... without sacrificing your own health and wellbeing. 

  • The exact process I use to create a magnetic marketing strategy that brings people to you in a way that feels authentic and genuine! 

  • The framework to outline your launch strategy for selling your high-ticket online Pilates program. 

  • TONS of done-for-you templates that take the guess work out of how to create content, write emails etc. 

  • A new outlook on how to leverage your skills and talents as the amazing Pilates teacher you are, so that you are able to take vacations, save for retirement, pay for your kids college and any other financial goals you’ve been putting off.

  • A repeatable sales process that gets your prospects to say “ABSOLUTELY YES” to working with you, without sleazy used car salesmen tactics. 

  • Confidence in your authentic and heartfelt sales process that feels good, uses ethical principles of persuasion, and helps you close more sales with ease. 


First of it’s kind…

The Inspired Brand Accelerator is the first of it’s kind that not only teaches you a long term organic marketing strategy (no paid ads here), but also teaches you how to build your own online Pilates business to leverage your time, and experience insane financial abundance like you never have before. Take a look at any of the results from the over 50 Pilates teachers that completed this program in 2020!

High ticket sales…

There is no other program on the market for Pilates teachers who are looking to end the financial chaos, build sustainable income, and do it all while using a marketing strategy that feels authentic.


The good news is, you don’t have to be stuck in the dollars for hours trap anymore. You can create freedom and abundance like you’ve never experienced, while having the ability to help and serve even more people - all without burnout, crazy hours and never having time for your loved ones.

The Proprietary 3 Phase Inspired Brand System

  • Phase 1: Purpose

    Create your magnetic marketing plan (tons of done-for-you templates)

    Build your irresistible online program curriculum

    Map out your clients’ journey with you from start to finish

  • Phase 2: Profit

    The sales techniques that will get someone off the fence to saying YES to you!

    Using Conversion Events for large cash infusions (imagine a $5k sales DAY!)

  • Phase 3: Passion

    Create an insanely high level of support for your clients in the online space!

    Build your audience ongoing so you never run out of new potential clients

    Map out your entire business plan for the next 12 months!


  • You have control over your schedule, and are able to prioritize self care, family or anything else you’ve been neglecting over the years.

  • You have financial abundance to be able to do things like save for retirement, take more vacations, or send your kids to a good school. 

  • You’re not pulled in 100 directions trying to piece together enough clients to pay your bills.

  • You can make a bigger impact on the lives of those you touch - and can reach more people! 

  • You can get off the time for money hamster wheel once and for all, and not rely on someone else determining your value - or freaking out when a client has a vacation or is out of town. 

Hi there, I’m Stephanie!

I am an online business and marketing strategist for Pilates = movement teachers! I have over a decade of experience with organic marketing and Pilates entrepreneurship under my belt

After working in a traditional studio model, I know how frustrating it can be to try to grow your income without working more hours. I also know how impossible it is to ever have any time off.

That’s why I created the Inspired Brand Accelerator.

To help overworked Pilates teachers like yourself, build and grow sustainable online businesses that work FOR you!

It’s time to escape the hustle, and begin the THRIVE!